Thai Yoga Massage Training

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Is teaching Yoga your calling? Do you want to offer deeper healing techniques for your practice and take it to the next level?


Join us for Thai Massage Training 


Thai Yoga Massage is an ancient healing art rooted in the practice of metta (loving-kindness) which combines yoga asana, acupressure and meditation to restore and harmonize the body and mind. It is a technique that cultivates tenderness and focus.

This Training will:

  • Refine the Dance of Thai Massage in transitions.
  • Review some side-lying, supine, prone, and seated techniques.
  • Discover better body mechanics to add longevity to your practice.
  • Cultivate the art of connection, compassion, and loving-kindness.
  • Develop sensitivity to the Sen and play with deep listening techniques.

50% Complete

Two Step

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