Sacred Sexuality Podcast
Kate: [00:00:00] So I'd like to begin with this beautiful quote by Patrick Califa. What if we all helped each other to manifest our most beautiful, sexy, intelligent, creative, and adventurous inner selves. Cooperating to suppress them
Jeanette: Okay, welcome back.
Kate: We are so excited to be here with you today and to drop into a conversation that essentially has a different relationship within each of us. It's [00:02:00] the topic of sexuality, sacred sexuality, and this essentially it's one of the most natural things that we can. Connect with our bodies and share with other people, but yet has had such a stigma and every emotion and feeling can have an impact with it.
So I'd like to begin with this beautiful quote by Patrick Califa. What if we all helped each other to manifest our most beautiful, sexy, intelligent, creative, and adventurous inner selves. Cooperating to suppress them
so much there.
Jeanette: Yeah. I love to let that land for a moment and just consider what that means to each of us as individuals and as a collective
Kate: exactly. [00:03:00] In our society.
We can think in terms of how much shadow banning and censorship on social media goes into topics around sexuality, images of our bodies, and yet on the other end of the spectrum, the erotic industry and the porn industry is one of the most abundant on the internet.
Jeanette: Yeah. And also this idea of. What is sacred? What do we mean by sacred sexuality? How do we weave in what actually is sacred and shine light on this so that we can all come to more holistic integrated way of viewing our sexuality.
Kate: I love that you just used the words, integrative and holistic, because I think a lot of us have this perception in this [00:04:00] relationship of what we're trying to get out of sex. And what sacredness we can learn to connect with and to give back to, and again, with our own selves. And then when we choose to share that with others, and there's such a different feedback loop that comes along with that and tracing back to the earliest translations of sexuality and how the ancient Greeks.
lived with such pleasure through their senses and celebrated it in every way, going back to ancient China and Southeast Asia and these places that have so much indigenous wisdom that has been translated in many different ways. But the base was around safety was about manifestation in activation of living fully in our bodies,
[00:05:00] Mmmhmm.
Jeanette: Living fully
in our bodies.
That is the goal. We are embodied individuals and there are a lot of traditions that talk about transcendence, right? Asceticism
The body.
As something to be overcome. Or subdued. But the truth is, as one of my teacher says, the body is a wisdom library. So how can we connect more deeply with it's intuition and the gifts that are inherent within.
Kate: Intuition. The gifts inherent within the wisdom. And the potential of the body.
This topic of sacred sexuality. Is something that is. So intimate. To the work that both Jeanette and I do. That we've done in our own personal journeys, that the work that we do [00:06:00] in the world, Connecting with individuals. And we are really honored and excited to open up. And to hold this container to talk about it.
To offer different tools, invitations of how to connect back to our bodies. And what we are envisioning is that this school really. Potentially have many threads to it talking about.
The relationship that women have with their moon cycles, the imprints and conditioning that. We've had maybe for generations around our bodies. Rituals and beautiful practices to connect to ourselves and individuals. So this will be a, to be continued.
Jeanette: A multi-part series. But today Kate is going to lead us in a beautiful.
Sweet and tender [00:07:00] practice. So join us.
And thank you for being open to this.
Okay. So I am going to invite us into this space to explore a practice, a practice that can be used as an ally, as a tool, as a resource, essentially, to bring more presence into the body, to cultivate an awakening within the senses. This is a beautiful practice when you are desiring to feel more within yourself.
And this is something you can definitely build upon. My only request is that you don't practice this while you're driving, so you can return to it later, but this is beautiful to do anytime a day. You can do it [00:08:00] directly over your clothes, or it's really beautiful to do directly on your skin. And what I'm going to invite you to do is to settle into a comfortable seated position where you can really feel your body held and supported
and begin to rub the palms of your hands together. The two palms touching each other or visualized. The connection between the left and the right
I want to see you've cultivated some heat, some activation taking the palms and bringing them onto the crown of your head. And if this feels safe and it's available to you to gently close your eyes [00:09:00] using the inner guidance. Of tuning in from the inside out feeling your palms, resting on the crown of your head,
and then sliding one Palm to your forehead. one Palm to rest on the back of your head, taking a deep breath.
and then very, very gently begin to take your fingertips and let them explore the crown of your head, letting them travel in any direction that they're called.
and traveling down the back of your head[00:10:00]
and then begin to take your fingertips up across your forehead,
traveling out on both sides to your temple.
Letting them feel the texture and connect to the texture of your skin and all that. It has to share with you, the temperature, traveling around your eyes, to your cheekbones
in, towards your nose.
And down towards your jaw, around your mouth,
letting your fingertips become [00:11:00] curious as they travel out towards your ears, feeling your ear lobes, the outside of your ears. Inside
and then letting your fingertips travel down your neck, maybe even taking a moment to swallow here and feeling the contrast and the vibration
and your fingertips traveled down towards your collar bone, the top of your chest. Traveling out towards your shoulders
and then crossing your arms. So your fingertips can begin to explore the opposite arms, traveling downward, just feeling the skin of your upper arms, your [00:12:00] elbows, your lower arms
coming across your wrists. Letting the fingertips connect with the opposite palms and even feeling fingers on top of fingers left and right side.
slowly inviting your fingers, your hands to travel back towards your chest, letting them travel down around your breath. The heart center, the energy of the breasts,
traveling down the center of your belly,
your ribs, letting them explore the center of your back.[00:13:00]
Keeping in mind, everything is equally as accessible through the mind equally as beneficial as it is. If you were physically touching your body, if that's not fully available in this moment, letting your fingertips come down to your lower belly down across your hips, your lower back.
And from here, inviting your fingertips to travel down your legs, your upper thighs, outer part of your thighs, the back of your thighs becoming so curious sensory experience of touch of sensation.
And [00:14:00] whatever feels available and allowing your fingertips to travel down towards your knees, your lower legs, the front and the back of your lower legs, all the way down towards your ankles and your feet,
the energy of your feet.
Traveling back up. So, so slowly as slow as you want, allowing your fingertips to travel back up,
, eventually coming to rest where you invite one Palm to rest against your lower belly. And the other Palm to rest against your lower back
tuning into your breath here,[00:15:00]
tuning into the presence what's happening right here in this moment.
taking a breath for a beautiful cycle of an inhale and exhale.
Gently releasing your palms away from your belly away from your lower back, letting them come to rest. However they find themselves to be and so easefully and so gently begin to flutter your eyes open, resourcing [00:16:00] your space around you. As you look around. Taking some inhales and exhales here,
and then eventually coming back into the very natural way of breathing.
Welcome back. So that was an invitation to slow down.
To move from the doing and the busy-ness of the mind to experiencing the body, the senses
invitation to be with every part of you. And this again, can be something that you can [00:17:00] return back to over and over again, if there's an area of your body, that's really desiring you to spend more attention on dedicating a specific practice to that area. And as Jeanette and I continue to dive deeper into this treasure chest.
Around sacred sexuality and how it relates to our lives, our bodies, our interactions with each other. We'll continue to share different tools that we work with within our own personal practices, tools that we integrate with our clients. And again, we are just so grateful that here with us to take this journey, [00:18:00] to continue to open these doorways, to expand on the threads and the branches and the bridges that align us together.